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Your Position: > Promotion > Season 3 Starbucks 3

Season 3 Starbucks 3
Season 3 Event: 3 Starbucks gifts for 3 catalog numbers.

During season 3, purchase 3 different catalog numbers of products in one month to get 3 Starbucks gifts!

Participation: All end users are welcome!

After completing your orders, register the catalog numbers below.

Add your purchased catalog numbers:

Please check the desired item(s)
Remove selected item(s)

Please fill in the information



1. This event period would be 1st July. ~30th Sep.

2. Only ACROBiosystems’ end users are eligible to participate (no distributors).

3. Only 3 coffee gifts will be sent when 3 or more catalog numbers of products are purchased per month.

4. One end user could only participate this event once a month.

5. Duplicate applications of the same catalog number from one company will be accepted as one.

6. This event is available in each month of season 3. Please keep participating in this event.

7. Campaign participating countries& regions: Japan, Korean, Singapore, India, Taiwan

8. Starbucks gifts in countries and regions:
Japan: 3 bags of coffee beans
Korea: 3 Starbucks gift cards
Singapore: 3 Starbucks gift cards
India: 3 Starbucks gift cards
Taiwan: 3 Starbucks gift cards

9. Personal information provided on this form will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Contact Us:

Tel:+86 400-682-2521(Asia & Pacific)



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