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Mogengel Matrix 기저막추출물
각 생산 lot마다 종양 생성, 혈관 생성 및 종양 세포 침습 등이 포함된 엄격한 품질 검사가 시행되었습니다.
제품의 일관성과 품질을 보장하기 위해 내독소, 바이러스 및 세균 검사를 포함한 엄격한 제조 통제 및 관리 시스템이 적용되고 있습니다.
ACROBiosystems의 대규모 생산 능력과 글로벌 공급망을 결합하여 전 세계적으로 안정적인 공급을 보장합니다.
연구 니즈에 부합하는 대량 구매 할인 및 성장인자 번들 할인이 제공됩니다.
Mogengel Matrix 제품은 품질과 일관성을 보장하기 위해 철저한 테스트를 거쳐 고객님께 전달됩니다. 또한, ACROBiosystems의 전 세계 물류 창고를 활용하여 신속하고 지연 없이 제품을 제공합니다.
Mogengel Matrix는 Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) 종양에서 추출된 기저막 매트릭스의 용해 가능한 형태로, LDEV가 없는 마우스에서 정제되었습니다. 이 매트릭스는 laminin, collagen IV, entactin, and heparin sulfate proteoglycan으로 구성되어 있습니다.
기저막은 조직 구성에 중요한 역할을 하는 특수한 시트 형태의 ECM 입니다. 기저막은 세포의 성장과 세포층의 지지를 위한 뼈대와 지지체 역할을 합니다. 또한, 기저막은 부착, 이동, 증식 및 분화와 같은 다양한 세포 기작에 영향을 미칩니다.
Cat. No. | Product Type | Product Description | Size |
AC-M082704 | Standard | Mogengel Matrix (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082706 | Mogengel Matrix (Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082701 | Low-factor | Mogengel Matrix (GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082703 | Mogengel Matrix (GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082724 | High Concentration | Mogengel Matrix (HC) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082726 | Mogengel Matrix (HC Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082721 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082723 | Mogengel Matrix (HC GFR Phenol Red Free) (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL | |
AC-M082777 | Stem Cell | Mogengel Matrix IPSC Level (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
AC-M082755 | Organoid | Mogengel Matrix Organoid Culture (Acro Certified) | 10mL/5mL |
iPSC 배양
오가노이드 배양
암세포 침투
종양 생성 검사
혈관 생성 검사
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082777) 1:100 dilution coating the plates, supports stable passage of EPSCs (extended pluripotent stem cells) from P1 to P4.
Human tumor organoids (colorectal cancer organoids, gastric cancer organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082755).
Human tumor organoids (breast cancer organoids, hepatocellular carcinoma organoids) can grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
Mouse intestinal organoid, liver ductal organoid, airway organoid can also grow well in greater than 70% Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082703).
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082704) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
The invasion effect of 5×104 SGC-7901 was detected for 24 hours at different concentrations of Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082706) and it was clear that the number of successfully invaded cells decreased significantly as the concentration of Mogengel increased.
Mogengel (Cat. No. AC-M082724) significantly promotes the proliferation of tumor cells under the skin in nude mice.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082704) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
The complete medium and HUVECs suspension (2×104 /well in 96 wells) can form the excellent tubular structure on 100% and 67% Mogengel Matrix (Cat. No. AC-M082706) at 4h, which can be quickly performed for subsequent staining and angiogenesis analysis.
VEGF and Heparin could promote the in vivo angiogenesis through in vivo Mogengel plug assay. (Cat. No. AC-M082723).
Acro Certify 면책사항
본 제품은 ACROBiosystems의 Acro Certify 제품 중 하나입니다. ACROBiosystems와 Acro Certify 파트너사는 철저한 품질 관리 및 품질 감사 모니터링을 포함한 긴밀한 파트너십을 구축했습니다. Acro Certify 파트너사의 제품은 ACROBiosystems에 의해 검증되어 Acro Certify에 포함될 수 있습니다. ACROBiosystems는 고객의 편의를 위해 제품 정보(기술 정보, 사양, 권장 사항, 문헌 및 기타 자료 등)를 제공할 수 있습니다. 제품 정보의 정확성과 완전성은 보장되지 않으며 사전 예고 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. ACROBiosystems는 Acro Certify 하에 판매되는 제품의 지적 재산권 또는 지적 재산에 대한 영향에 대해 책임지지 않습니다.
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