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Your Position: > Promotion > Sample Request for GMP Proteins

Request a sample of our GMP products. We offer a wide array of GMP reagents including cytokines, growth factors, enzymes, antibodies, and magnetic beads, to meet your needs.

Integrating our GMP proteins into your manufacturing process has never been easier. With our affordable GMP cytokines and growth factors, maintain that flexibility to either directly use GMP grade or slowly transition with our 'pre-GMP' premium grade proteins. To meet any clinical phase requirements, our GMP proteins are supported by our experienced manufacturing, quality and regulatory teams. Click here to view our list of associated premium(pre-GMP) and GMP-grade proteins.

Make your journey towards clinical manufacturing efficient without worrying about compromises in quality with our GMP solutions.

Affordable GMP-grade raw materials from discovery to the clinic
Streamline the transition into clinical manufacturing
Variable lot sizing to match requirements
DMF and Regulatory Support Files (RSF) available
Open-to-audit manufacturing facilities

View Lot-to-Lot Bioactivity Data for GMP Proteins

Sample Request for GMP Proteins
Bioactivity Analysis of Three Lots of IL-15 GMP grade protein.

Three independent lots of GMP Human IL-15 (Cat.No. GMP-L15H13) were tested for their ability to stimulate the proliferation of CTLL-2 cells. Average specific activity of GMP Human IL-15 was defined to be more than 0.8 x 107 IU/mg after calibration against human IL-15 WHO International Standards (NIBSC code: 95/554).

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View Bioactivity Data between ‘Pre-GMP’ Premium Grade vs GMP

Sample Request for GMP Proteins
Sample Request for GMP Proteins
Bioactivity Analysis of Human Il-7 and IL-15, Premium ‘Pre-GMP’ vs GMP grade.

Recombinant Human IL-7 and IL-15 premium and GMP grade proteins were evaluated under the same conditions for activity by measuring the ability to stimulate the proliferation of CTLL-2 cells. Performances were almost identical between both grades, enabling a seamless transition into clinicla research. Bioactivity Analysis by Cell-based Assays.

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View Stability Data for GMP Proteins

Sample Request for GMP Proteins
Sample Request for GMP Proteins
Stability Analysis of IL-15 GMP grade protein.

Cell-based assays were performed on both liquid (pre-lyophilized) GMP proteins and lyophilized GMP proteins. GMP proteins were left outside for at most 72 hours (liquid) and 90 days (lyophilized) before evaluation. Liquid GMP proteins also underwent several freeze-thaw cycles to evaluate its stability in varying conditions. No difference in IL-15 activity was observed, showing extreme stability under non-ideal conditions.

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Request your GMP Protein Sample

What GMP proteins (50µg samples, lyophilized) would you like to try?
Now you have the chance to get a ACRO limited edition Golden Llama by providing valid feedback on GMP free samples.
Request your GMP Protein Sample
Terms & Conditions
  1. • No purchase necessary. By submitting this form, you agree to being contacted by our sales and marketing members to follow up on this request. This promotion is available in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Mainland China. Sample requests will be honored while supplies last. The sample is for the following GMP-grade products*. Limited to one sample per catalog number per customer. Other restrictions may apply.

  2. • *Catalog No. includes GMP-DL4H23, GMP-CA9S18, GMP-DL4H28, GMP-FLLH28, GMP-IFGH24, GMP-ILBH16, GMP-L15H13, GMP-L02H14, GMP-L21H25, GMP-L04H26, GMP-L06H27, GMP-L07H24, GMP-SCFH25, GMP-TNAH23, GMP-MC2824, and GMP- MC0323.


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